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Luxurious Hair Extension Care. How To Keep Your Hair Looking Like a Million Bucks!

Luxurious hair extensions are a lot of fun.  Caring for your luxurious hair extensions is simple and effortless. Keeping in mind, just a few simple steps can keep your extensions looking like a million bucks.

Daily Care:

Working out tangles, in a gentle manner is critical.  Starting at the ends and working your way up to the midshaft and finishing near the roots is ideal.  Working your way gently through the tresses is optimal.  Easing out any tangling that may occur around the attachment cylinders will keep them feeling amazing.  Be sure  to do this daily in order to prevent knotting.

Washing and Styling:  

The extensions used by GoodeHair's Shannon Goode are a very high quality.  In order to keep them looking their best, a salon quality selection of products are highly recommended.  Taking this step will ensure the best quality and durability in order to keep your new hair looking luscious, shiny and in good shape.

Blow drying your hair upside down may cause tangling.  Taking caution to gently dry and style the hair extensions.

Coloring and Chemical Services:

At home hair color and chemical services can damage the hair extensions.  Treating the hair extensions with color or chemical services must be done by a hair stylist who is educated and certified to working with these extensions.  "This is because color or perming chemicals may be trapped in the attachment cylinders, where they can continue to affect and possibly damage the Dream Catchers Extensions or your own hair. All chemical treatments of your own hair should be carried out at a certified stylist studio. The range of color changes possible with Dream Catchers Hair Extensions is limited by certain chemical factors understood only by your professional certified hairdresser." (-Dream Catchers)


"Hairdressers not familiar with Dream Catchers Extensions may damage it by cutting it too short or by using the incorrect technique. Before having your hair and Dream Catchers Extensions cut by a hairdresser who is not a Certified Dream Catchers Stylist, you must ask that they contact your Certified Dream Catchers Stylist."

(-Dream Catchers)

Maintenance Program

"As your hair grows, the cylinders attaching the Dream Catchers Extensions will move further away from your scalp along with your own hair. This can increase the traction on your own hair. Therefore, it is necessary for you to return to your certified stylist every 4 to 6 weeks, or as advised by your stylist. The reason is to have the attachment cylinders returned to or replaced to their original positions. Failure to do this may result in tangling and/or loss of some of your own hair. Furthermore, it is vital you return to your certified stylist within one week of the initial fitting of your Dream Catchers Extensions so your certified stylist can ensure that the system is satisfactory to you. This will also assist in determining suitable hair care regime at home and in the studio." (-Dream Catchers)

Brushing Technique

"Extra care must be taken when brushing the hair to avoid dragging (pulling) the cylinder attachments. Remember when brushing to initially start from the tips working upwards."


"When swimming it is advisable to plait your Dream Catchers Extensions as this will prevent knotting. Always remember to rinse the chlorine or saltwater out of your Dream Catchers Extensions after swimming and apply a good conditioner or detangling spray."


"It is advisable to loosely plait your hair or place in a pony tail when sleeping. We recommend you make extensive use of your complimentary silk pillow case provided. This smooth silky surface is non-abrasive "

**Care and Instructions are per Dream Catchers Recommendations.**

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